Modelling at-bats in baseball using the generalised Pareto distribution

A report created using bibat version 0.1.6


Teddy Groves

I used to do a lot of statistical analyses of sports data where there was a latent parameter for the player’s ability. You can see an example here.

It was a natural choice to use a Bayesian hierarchical model where the abilities have a location/scale type distribution with support on the whole real line, and in fact this worked pretty well! You would see the kind of players at the top and bottom of the ability scale that you would expect.

Still, there were a few problems. In particular the data were typically unbalanced because better players tended to produce more data than worse players. The result of this was that my models would often inappropriately think the bad players were like the good players: they would not only tend to be too certain about the abilities of low-data players, but also be biased, thinking that these players are probably a bit better than they actually are. I never came up with a good way to solve this problem, despite trying a lot of things!

Even though I don’t work with sports data very much any more, the problem still haunted me, so when I read this great case study about geomagnetic storms it gave me an idea for yet another potential solution.

The idea was this: just as data about intense storms that cause electricity problems tell us about a tail of the bigger solar magnetism distribution, maybe data about professional sportspeople is best thought about as coming from a tail of the general sports ability distribution. If so, maybe something like the generalised pareto distribution might be better than the bog standard normal distribution for describing the pros’ abilities.

I thought I’d test this out with some sports data, and luckily there is a really nice baseball example on the Stan case studies website, complete with data from the 2006 Major league season. After I posted some early results on the Stan discourse forum, other users suggested that it might be interesting to model similar data from different seasons. This data can now be found quite easily on the baseball databank.

With a few datasets and at least two different statistical models to consider, the full analysis looked like it would be a little too big to fit in a trivial file structure, so it seemed like a good opportunity to showcase my batteries-included Bayesian analysis template package bibat.

The rest of this vignette describes how I used bibat to (relatively) painlessly see if my generalised Pareto distribution idea would work.

Check out the analysis’s github repository for all the details.


First I installed bibat in my global Python 3.11 environment with this command:

> pip install bibat

Next I ran bibat’s wizard like this:

> bibat
Welcome to the Batteries-Included Bayesian Analysis Template!
What is your project called? [Project Name]: Baseball
What should the project repository be called [baseball]: baseball
What is your name? [Author name]: Teddy Groves
What is your email? []:
Who should be the code of conduct contact? []:
Please briefly describe your project [A short description of the project.]: Comparison of distributions for modelling baseball hitting
Choose an open source license from these options: (MIT, BSD-3-Clause, No license file) [MIT]:
How would you like to document your project? (Quarto, Sphinx, No docs) [Quarto]:
Would you like to create a .github directory? [y]: n

After I answered the wizard’s questions bibat creted a new folder called baseball that looked like this:

├── Makefile
├── bibat_version.txt
├── data
│   └── raw
│       ├── raw_measurements.csv
│       └──
├── docs
│   ├── bibliography.bib
│   ├── img
│   │   ├── example.png
│   │   └──
│   ├── report.html
│   ├── report.pdf
│   └── report.qmd
├── baseball
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── investigate.ipynb
│   ├── notebooks
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── stan
│   │   ├── custom_functions.stan
│   │   ├── multilevel-linear-regression.stan
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── inferences
│   ├── fake_interaction
│   │   └── config.toml
│   ├── interaction
│   │   └── config.toml
│   └── no_interaction
│       └── config.toml
├── plots
│   ├── posterior_ll_comparison.png
│   └── posterior_predictive_comparison.png
├── pyproject.toml
└── tests
    ├── test_integration
    │   └──
    └── test_unit

This folder implements bibat’s example analysis – a comparison of linear regression with two different design matrices. To check that everything was working correctly I ran the analysis like this:

$ cd baseball
$ make analysis

This ran without errors, running some data preparation functions and then analysing the data with Stan in a few configurations.

Getting raw data

To fetch raw data from the internet, I wrote a new script in the file baseball/

"""Fetch raw data from the internet."""

import os

import pandas as pd

URLS = {
    "2006": ""
    "bdb-main": ""
    "bdb-post": ""
    "bdb-apps": ""
    "2006": os.path.join("data", "raw", "2006.csv"),
    "bdb-main": os.path.join("data", "raw", "bdb-main.csv"),
    "bdb-post": os.path.join("data", "raw", "bdb-post.csv"),
    "bdb-apps": os.path.join("data", "raw", "bdb-apps.csv"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for name, url in URLS.items():
        print(f"Fetching {name} data from {url}")
        data = pd.read_csv(url, comment="#")
        print(f"Writing {name} data to {OUT_FILES[name]}")

To get the files I ran the script:

> source .venv/bin/activate
(baseball) > python baseball/
Fetching 2006 data from
Writing 2006 data to data/raw/2006.csv
Fetching bdb-main data from
Writing bdb-main data to data/raw/bdb-main.csv
Fetching bdb-post data from
Writing bdb-post data to data/raw/bdb-post.csv
Fetching bdb-apps data from
Writing bdb-apps data to data/raw/bdb-apps.csv

Finally, I removed the example analysis’s raw data:

(baseball) > rm data/raw/raw_measurements.csv

Preparing the data

The first step in preparing data is to decide what prepared data looks like for the purposes of our analysis. Bibat provides dataclasses called PreparedData and MeasurementsDF to help get started with this, which I found in the file baseball/

As it happens, prepared data looks very similar in this analysis and the example. All I had to do was change the MeasurementsDF definition a little1:

1 note that this class uses pandera, a handy library for defining what a pandas dataframe should look like

class MeasurementsDF(pa.SchemaModel):
    """A PreparedData should have a measurements dataframe like this.

    Other columns are also allowed!

    player_season: Series[str]
    season: Series[str] = pa.Field(coerce=True)
    n_attempt: Series[int] = pa.Field(ge = 1)
    n_success: Series[int] = pa.Field(ge = 0)

The next step is to write functions that return PreparedData objects. In this case I wrote a couple of data preparation functions: prepare_data_2006 and prepare_data_bdb:

def prepare_data_2006(measurements_raw: pd.DataFrame) -> PreparedData:
    """Prepare the 2006 data."""
    measurements = measurements_raw.rename(
        columns={"K": "n_attempt", "y": "n_success"}
        player_season=lambda df: [f"2006-player-{i+1}" for i in range(len(df))],
    return PreparedData(
            "player_season": measurements["player_season"].tolist(),
            "season": measurements["season"].astype(str).tolist(),

def prepare_data_bdb(
    measurements_main: pd.DataFrame,
    measurements_post: pd.DataFrame,
    appearances: pd.DataFrame,
) -> PreparedData:
    """Prepare the baseballdatabank data.

    There are a few substantive data choices here.

    First, the function excludes players who have a '1' in their position as
    these are likely pitchers, as well as players with fewer than 20 at bats.

    Second, the function defines a successes and attempts according to the
    'on-base percentage' metric, so a success is a time when a player got a hit,
    a base on ball/walk or a hit-by-pitch and an attempt is an at-bat or a
    base-on-ball/walk or a hit-by-pitch or a sacrifice fly. This could have
    alternatively been calculated as just hits divided by at-bats, but my
    understanding is that this method underrates players who are good at getting

    pitchers = appearances.loc[
        lambda df: df["G_p"] == df["G_all"], "playerID"

    def filter_batters(df: pd.DataFrame):
        return (
            (df["AB"] >= 20)
            & (df["season"].ge(2017))
            & (~df["player"].isin(pitchers))

    measurements_main, measurements_post = (
        m.rename(columns={"yearID": "season", "playerID": "player"})
            player_season=lambda df: df["player"]
            n_attempt=lambda df: df[["AB", "BB", "HBP", "SF"]]
            n_success=lambda df: (
                df[["H", "BB", "HBP"]].fillna(0).sum(axis=1).astype(int)
            ["player_season", "season", "n_attempt", "n_success"],
        for m in [measurements_main, measurements_post]
    measurements = (
        pd.concat([measurements_main, measurements_post])
        .groupby(["player_season", "season"])
    return PreparedData(
            "player_season": measurements["player_season"].tolist(),
            "season": measurements["season"].astype(str).tolist(),

To take into account the inconsistency between the two raw data sources, I first had to change the variable RAW_DATA_FILES:

    "bdb": [
        os.path.join(RAW_DIR, "bdb-main.csv"),
        os.path.join(RAW_DIR, "bdb-post.csv"),
        os.path.join(RAW_DIR, "bdb-apps.csv"),

Next I changed the prepare_data function to handle the two different data sources.

def prepare_data():
    """Run main function."""
    print("Reading raw data...")
    raw_data = {
        k: [pd.read_csv(file, index_col=None) for file in v]
        for k, v in RAW_DATA_FILES.items()
    data_preparation_functions_to_run = {
        "2006": prepare_data_2006,
        "bdb": prepare_data_bdb,
    print("Preparing data...")
    for name, dpf in data_preparation_functions_to_run.items():
        print(f"Running data preparation function {dpf.__name__}...")
        prepared_data = dpf(*raw_data[name])
        output_file = os.path.join(PREPARED_DIR, + ".json")
        print(f"\twriting files to {output_file}")
        if not os.path.exists(PREPARED_DIR):
        with open(output_file, "w") as f:

To finish off I deleted the unused global variables NEW_COLNAMES, DROPNA_COLS and DIMS, then checked if the function load_prepared_data needed any changes: I was pretty sure it didn’t.

To check that all this worked, I ran the data preparation script manually:2

2 I could also have just run make analysis again. This would have caused an error on the step after, which is fine!

> source .venv/bin/activate
(baseball) > python baseball/

Now the folder data/prepared/bdb contained a file data/prepared/bdb/measurements.csv that looked like this:


Specifying statistical models

I wanted to test two statistical models: one with the modelling the distribution of per-player logit-scale at-bat success rates as a normal distribution with unknown mean and standard deviation, and another where the same logit-scale rates have a generalised Pareto distribution.

So, given a table of \(N\) player profiles, with each player has \(y\) successes out of \(K\) at-bats and an unknown latent success rate \(\alpha\), I wanted to use this measurement model:

\[ y \sim \text{binomial logit}(K, \alpha) \]

In the generalised Pareto model I would give the \(\alpha\)s this prior model, with the hyperparameter \(\text{min }\alpha\) assumed to be known exactly and \(k\) and \(\sigma\) given prior distributions that put the \(\alpha\)s in the generally plausible range of between roughly 0.1 and 0.4.

\[\begin{align*} \alpha &\sim GPareto(\text{min }\alpha, k, \sigma) \end{align*}\]

In the normal model I would use a standard hierarchical regression model with an effect for the log-scale number of at-bats to attempt to explicitly model the tendency of players with more appearances to be better:

\[\begin{align*} \alpha &\sim Normal(\mu + b_{K} \cdot \ln{K}, \tau) \\ \end{align*}\]

Again I would choose priors for the hyperparameters that put most of the alphas between 0.1 and 0.4.

To implement these models using Stan I first added the following function to the file custom_functions.stan. This was simply copied from the relevant part of the geomagnetic storms case study.

real gpareto_lpdf(vector y, real ymin, real k, real sigma) {
  // generalised Pareto log pdf
  int N = rows(y);
  real inv_k = inv(k);
  if (k<0 && max(y-ymin)/sigma > -inv_k)
    reject("k<0 and max(y-ymin)/sigma > -1/k; found k, sigma =", k, ", ", sigma);
  if (sigma<=0)
    reject("sigma<=0; found sigma =", sigma);
  if (fabs(k) > 1e-15)
    return -(1+inv_k)*sum(log1p((y-ymin) * (k/sigma))) -N*log(sigma);
    return -sum(y-ymin)/sigma -N*log(sigma); // limit k->0

Next I wrote a file gpareto.stan:

functions {
#include custom_functions.stan
data {
  int<lower=0> N; // items
  array[N] int<lower=0> K; // trials
  array[N] int<lower=0> y; // successes
  real min_alpha; // noone worse than this would be in the dataset
  real max_alpha;
  array[2] real prior_sigma;
  array[2] real prior_k;
  int<lower=0,upper=1> likelihood;
parameters {
  real<lower=0.001> sigma; // scale parameter of generalised pareto distribution
  real<lower=-sigma/(max_alpha-min_alpha)> k; // shape parameter of generalised pareto distribution
  vector<lower=min_alpha,upper=max_alpha>[N] alpha; // success log-odds
model {
  sigma ~ normal(prior_sigma[1], prior_sigma[2]);
  k ~ normal(prior_k[1], prior_k[2]);
  alpha ~ gpareto(min_alpha, k, sigma);
  if (likelihood){
    y ~ binomial_logit(K, alpha);
generated quantities {
  vector[N] yrep;
  vector[N] llik;
  for (n in 1:N){
    yrep[n] = binomial_rng(K[n], inv_logit(alpha[n]));
    llik[n] = binomial_logit_lpmf(y[n] | K[n], alpha[n]);

Finally I wrote a file normal.stan:

data {
  int<lower=0> N; // items
  array[N] int<lower=0> K; // trials
  array[N] int<lower=0> y; // successes
  array[2] real prior_mu;
  array[2] real prior_tau;
  array[2] real prior_b_K;
  int<lower=0,upper=1> likelihood;
transformed data {
  vector[N] log_K = log(to_vector(K));
  vector[N] log_K_std = (log_K - mean(log_K)) / sd(log_K);
parameters {
  real mu; // population mean of success log-odds
  real<lower=0> tau; // population sd of success log-odds
  real b_K;
  vector[N] alpha_std; // success log-odds (standardized)
model {
  b_K ~ normal(prior_b_K[1], prior_b_K[2]);
  mu ~ normal(prior_mu[1], prior_mu[2]);
  tau ~ normal(prior_tau[1], prior_tau[2]);
  alpha_std ~ normal(0, 1);
  if (likelihood){
    y ~ binomial_logit(K, mu + b_K * log_K_std + tau * alpha_std);
generated quantities {
  vector[N] alpha = mu + b_K * log_K_std + tau * alpha_std;
  vector[N] yrep;
  vector[N] llik;
  for (n in 1:N){
    yrep[n] = binomial_rng(K[n], inv_logit(alpha[n]));
    llik[n] = binomial_logit_lpmf(y[n] | K[n], alpha[n]);

Generating Stan inputs

Next I needed to tell the analysis how to turn some prepared data into a dictionary that can be used as input for Stan. Bibat assumes that this task is handled by functions that live in the file baseball/, each of which takes in a PreparedData and returns a Python dictionary. You can write as many Stan input functions as you like and choose which one to run for any given inference.

I started by defining some Stan input functions that pass arbitrary prepared data on to each of the models:3

3 Note that this code uses the scipy function logit, which it imported like this: from scipy.special import logit

def get_stan_input_normal(ppd: PreparedData) -> Dict:
    """General function for creating a Stan input."""
    return {
        "N": len(ppd.measurements),
        "K": ppd.measurements["n_attempt"].values,
        "y": ppd.measurements["n_success"].values,
        "prior_mu": [logit(0.25), 0.2],
        "prior_tau": [0.2, 0.1],
        "prior_b_K": [0, 0.03],

def get_stan_input_gpareto(ppd: PreparedData) -> Dict:
    """General function for creating a Stan input."""
    return {
        "N": len(ppd.measurements),
        "K": ppd.measurements["n_attempt"].values,
        "y": ppd.measurements["n_success"].values,
        "min_alpha": logit(0.07),
        "max_alpha": logit(0.5),
        "prior_sigma": [1.5, 0.4],
        "prior_k": [-0.5, 1],

But why stop there? It can also be useful to generate Stan input data with a model, by running it in simulation mode with hardcoded parameter values. Here are some functions that do this for both of our models: 4

4 These functions require some more imports: numpy and scipy.special.expit

def get_stan_input_normal_fake(ppd: PreparedData) -> Dict:
    """Generate fake Stan input consistent with the normal model."""
    N = len(ppd.measurements)
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=1234)
    true_param_values = {
        "mu": logit(0.25),
        "tau": 0.18,  # 2sds is 0.19 to 0.32 batting average
        "b_K": 0.04,  # slight effect of more attempts
        "alpha_std": rng.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=N),
    K = ppd.measurements["n_attempt"].values
    log_K_std = (np.log(K) - np.log(K).mean()) / np.log(K).std()
    alpha = (
        + true_param_values["b_K"] * log_K_std
        + true_param_values["tau"] * true_param_values["alpha_std"]
    y = rng.random.binomial(K, expit(alpha))
    return {"N": N, "K": K, "y": y} | true_param_values

def get_stan_input_gpareto_fake(ppd: PreparedData) -> Dict:
    """Generate fake Stan input consistent with the gpareto model."""
    N = len(ppd.measurements)
    K = ppd.measurements["n_attempt"].values
    min_alpha = 0.1
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=1234)
    true_param_values = {"sigma": -1.098, "k": 0.18}
    true_param_values["alpha"] = gpareto_rvs(
    y = rng.binomial(K, expit(true_param_values["alpha"]))
    return {"N": N, "K": K, "y": y, "min_alpha": min_alpha} | true_param_values

def gpareto_rvs(
    rng: np.random.Generator, size: int, mu: float, k: float, sigma: float
    """Generate random numbers from a generalised pareto distribution.

    See for

    U = rng.uniform(size)
    if k == 0:
        return mu - sigma * np.log(U)
        return mu + (sigma * (U**-k) - 1) / sigma

Specifying inferences

Now all the building blocks for making statistical inferences – raw data, data preparation rules, statistical models and recipes for turning prepared data into model inputs – were in place. The last step before actually running Stan was to write down how put the blocks together. Bibat has another concept for this, called ‘inferences’.

An inference in bibat is a folder containing a special file called config.toml. This file sets out what inferences you want to make: which statistical model, which prepared data function, which Stan input function, which parameters have which dimensions, which sampling modes to use and how to configure the sampler. The folder will later be filled up with the results of performing the specified inferences.

I started by deleting the example inferences and creating two fresh folders, leaving me with an inferences folder looking like this:

├── gpareto2006
│   └── config.toml
└── normal2006
    └── config.toml

Here is the file inferences/gpareto2006/config.toml:

name = "gpareto2006"
stan_file = "gpareto.stan"
prepared_data_dir = "2006"
stan_input_function = "get_stan_input_gpareto"
modes = ["prior", "posterior"]

alpha = ["player"]

warn-pedantic = true

save_warmup = false
iter_warmup = 2000
iter_sampling = 2000

chains = 2
iter_warmup = 1000
iter_sampling = 1000

Here is the file inferences/normal2006/config.toml:

name = "normal2006"
stan_file = "normal.stan"
prepared_data_dir = "2006"
stan_input_function = "get_stan_input_normal"
modes = ["prior", "posterior"]

alpha = ["player"]

warn-pedantic = true

save_warmup = false
iter_warmup = 2000
iter_sampling = 2000

chains = 2
iter_warmup = 1000
iter_sampling = 1000

Note that:

  • The Stan file, prepared data folder and Stan input function are referred to by strings. The analysis should raise an error if you enter a non-existing value.
  • Both inferences are set to run in “prior” and “posterior” modes – the other pre-defined mode is “kfold”, but you can also write your own!
  • You can enter arbitrary arguments to cmdstanpy’s CmdStanModel.sample method in the [sample_kwargs] table.
  • You can enter mode-specific overrides in [mode_options.<MODE>]. This can be handy if you want to run more or fewer iterations for a certain mode.

With all these changes made I ran make analysis again. There were no errors until after sampling, which was expected as I hadn’t yet customised the investigation code, and I saw messages indicating that Stan had run. I also found that the inferences subfolders had been populated:

├── gpareto2006
│   ├── config.toml
│   └── idata.json
└── normal2006
    ├── config.toml
    └── idata.json

Investigating the inferences

Now that the inferences are ready it’s time to check them out. Bibat provides a Jupyter notebook at baseball/investigate.ipynb for exactly this purpose. The notebook’s main job is to create plots and save them in the plots directory when it is executed with the command jupyter execute investigate.ipynb, which is the final step in the chain of commands that is triggered by make analysis.

A notebook is arguably a nicer home for code that creates plots than a plain python script because it allows for literate documentation and an iterative workflow. A notebook makes it easy to, for example, add some code to change the scale of a plot, execute the code and see the new results, then update the relevant documentation all in the same place.

The code from the example analysis’s notebook for loading InferenceData was reusable with a few tweaks to avoid missing file errors, so I kept it. On the other hand, I wanted to make some different plots from the ones in the example analysis, including some that required loading prepared data. To check out everything I did, see here.

Choosing priors using push-forward calibration

The trickiest thing about my analysis was setting prior distributions for the parameters \(k\) and \(\sigma\) in the generalised Pareto models. To choose some more or less plausible values I did a few prior-mode model runs and checked the distributions of the resulting alpha variables. I wanted to make sure that they all lay in the range corresponding to batting averages between about 0.1 and a little over 0.4. Here is a graph that shows the 1% to 99% prior quantiles for each player’s latent success percentage in both datasets alongside their actually realised success rates.

Extending the analysis to the baseballdatabank data

To model the more recent data, all I had to do was create some new inference folders with appropriate prepared_data_dir fields in their config.toml files. For example, here is the config.toml file for the gparetobdb inference:

name = "gparetobdb"
stan_file = "gpareto.stan"
prepared_data_dir = "bdb"
stan_input_function = "get_stan_input_gpareto"
modes = ["prior", "posterior"]

alpha = ["player"]

warn-pedantic = true

save_warmup = false
iter_warmup = 2000
iter_sampling = 2000

chains = 2
iter_warmup = 2000
iter_sampling = 1000

After running make analysis one more time, I went back to the notebook baseball/investigate.ipynb and made plots of both models’ posterior 1%-99% success rate intervals for both datasets:

I think this is very interesting. Both models’ prior distributions had similar regularisation levels, and they more or less agree about the abilities of the players with the most at-bats, both in terms of locations and the widths of the plausible intervals for the true success rate. However, the models ended up with dramatically different certainty levels about the abilities of players with few at-bats. This pattern was true both for the small 2006 dataset and the much larger baseballdatabank dataset.

Documenting the analysis

The final step was to document my analysis. To do this I edited the file docs/report.qmd, then ran make docs, which produced the very HTML document that you are probably reading now! You can find the complete report.qmd file here.